‘한전 에이블테크 사회적경제조직 혁신 솔루션 성장지원 사업’의 킥오프 워크숍에서 선정팀들이 기념촬영을 하고 있다. 사진=한국사회투자

 Selected teams are taking a commemorative photo at the kick-off workshop of the ‘KEPCO Able Tech Social Economy Organization Innovation Solution Growth Support Project’. (Photo = Korea Social Investment)

 Korea Social Investment announced on the 23rd that it recently held a kick-off workshop for the ‘KEPCO Able Tech Social Economy Organization Innovation Solution Growth Support Project’ with Korea Electric Power Corporation and started the business in earnest.


 About 20 people attended the kick-off workshop held at Seoul Innovation Park, including officials from Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Social Investment, and representatives of supporting companies.

At this meeting, a total of 100 million won in business support was delivered along with the introduction of detailed programs, and presentations were made by each team.

 The 'KEPCO Able Tech Social Economy Organization Innovation Solution Growth Support Project', in collaboration with Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Social Investment, is a social economy that improves the physical discomfort of the disabled, the elderly, etc.

With innovative technology, improves living convenience, or innovates the medical rehabilitation field. It is an accelerating program that supports the business growth of an organization.

Last month, a total of 10 teams were finally selected, including Huca System, Pixelo, Kangsters, Hanmac Medical, I&I Solution, Caring Dream, SM Planet, bluereo, Lazen, and Haru Haru Movement Lab.

 Participating teams are provided with benefits such as business expansion support of KRW 10 million, 1:1 management diagnosis, mentoring in specialized fields, IR pitching coaching and IR consulting, media coverage and SNS promotion support, office hours for each team, social value management, and investment attraction linkage. , a total of 50 million won of direct investment will be made to one team.

 Lee Jong-ik, CEO of Korea Social Investment, said, "As ESG management has recently emerged, not only quantitative welfare but also qualitative welfare are attracting great attention."

 Meanwhile, Korea Social Investment is an impact investment company and accelerator established in 2012, providing management consulting, investment, and accelerator for all business organizations that solve social problems.

Since its establishment, it has provided financial support and management consulting worth about KRW 70 billion to date, and has been sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, Woori Bank, Kyobo Life Insurance, IBK Industrial Bank of Korea, Korea Electric Power Corporation, and MetLife Life Insurance Social Contribution Foundation.

Source: Newsbrite (